With the debut of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, a couple interesting ideas for RPG campaigns were tossed around. The most amusing being a hardcore grimdark campaign, which I pitched to a few friends of mine and we decided to play it out. The setting: A month and a half after Nightmare Moon has interrupted the Sun Celebration and Twilight Sparkle and her friends left Ponyville to try and stop her. The never-ending night has not yet let up and Equestria was not prepared for the loss. Without sunshine, crops quickly died off and almost all food production has stopped and marshal law went into effect with heavy rationing of all food supplies. Rumors of sunshine and food being present at nearly all distant areas and whispers of the tension between gryphons and ponies rising. Some say that the Princess' adviser, and acting ruler, has begun to assemble a standing army, although to what end?
This setting has a lot of potential and also spreads out the original conflict from the first two episodes. The main modification to the show is lengthening the time it takes for Twilight Sparkle and her friends to reach the elements of harmony (travel distance greatly increased and potentially harder to track down? )
Doing a bit of research, we found a free and simple d20 system that we've begun to modify to fit into the Friendship is Magic universe, and it feels like it has a lot of potential. The first brief session went pretty decently, all of it was role playing with no combat, as the setting was introduced and the party got together and pretty much started to set out on their adventures. Our party consists of two pony fighters and a unicorn cleric from Ponyville. All of the advice I have ever gotten on DMPCs is to not do it, but two pony fighters alone in a party would probably be a bad idea, so I whipped up a unicorn cleric to help keep them alive.
Hopefully within the next few days we'll be able to release the first iteration of the rule set. We have the fluff mostly nailed down, although several core concepts are being batted around. That and we haven't dealt with any of the crunch in game yet. Although right now I'm learning how much I hate PDFs and attempting to edit them.
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